After the system test has corrected all or most defects, the system will be delivered to the user or customer for Acceptance Testing or User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
- Acceptance testing is basically done by the user or customer although other stakeholders may be involved as well.
- The goal of acceptance testing is to establish confidence in the system.
- Acceptance testing is most often focused on a validation type testing.
- Acceptance testing may occur at more than just a single level, for example:
- A Commercial Off the shelf (COTS) software product may be acceptance tested when it is installed or integrated.
- Acceptance testing of the usability of the component may be done during component testing.
- Acceptance testing of a new functional enhancement may come before system testing.
The types of acceptance testing are:
- The User Acceptance test: focuses mainly on the functionality thereby validating the fitness-for-use of the system by the business user. The user acceptance test is performed by the users and application managers.
- The Operational Acceptance test: also known as Production acceptance test validates whether the system meets the requirements for operation. In most of the organization the operational acceptance test is performed by the system administration before the system is released. The operational acceptance test may include testing of backup/restore, disaster recovery, maintenance tasks and periodic check of security vulnerabilities.
- Contract Acceptance testing: It is performed against the contract’s acceptance criteria for producing custom developed software. Acceptance should be formally defined when the contract is agreed.
- Compliance acceptance testing: It is also known as regulation acceptance testing is performed against the regulations which must be adhered to, such as governmental, legal or safety regulations.
Other popular articles:
- User Acceptance Testing (UAT) – Checklist, Best Practices, Approach, Example
- What is User Story Template in Agile software development?
- What are Test Pyramid and Testing Quadrants in Agile Testing Methodology?
- What is Efficiency testing in software?
- What is reliability testing in software?
Yashveer says
Hi All,
Is there any defect leakage defined as per ISTQB standards ? OR (What is the acceptable defect leakage limit from system test to UAT testing.)
for ex. 5%of system test defects ??
Thanks in advance!
ajay says
can we say like validation testing is done in acceptance testing?
and we can do verification testing in each phase of testing?
Pranit Pingale says
Alpha and beta types of UAT are not explained here?
ISTQB Guide says
Alpha testing is explained here –
Beta testing is explained here –
Jurij says
Hello, greate site!
It would be great, if the relations between Alpha, Beta and Acceptance testing is covered.
Acceptance Testing seems to involve the actual users, whereas Alpha Testing does not (it’s normally done by developers and a QA staff, following this site here: ). Therefore Alpha Testing cannot be simply part of Acceptance Testing.
But Beta Testing involves the users, but it’s not clear if it’s Acceptance Testing or if it’s a larger scale testing which is only done after a first phase of user testing as part of Acceptance Testing.
Also, if this is true:
“Originally, the term alpha testing meant the first phase of testing in a software development process. The first phase includes unit testing, component testing, and system testing. Beta testing can be considered “pre-release testing.” (
Then is there a place for Acceptance testing in the Alpha-Beta-distinction?
Thank you very much!
Alcir Grohmann says
I wish you could send information about BLANK TEST ( electrical signals are fed to a web). Thanks !! Alcir Grohmann