Validation is determining if the system complies with the requirements and performs functions for which it is intended and meets the organization’s goals and user needs.
- Validation is done at the end of the development process and takes place after verifications are completed.
- It answers the question like: Am I building the right product?
- Am I accessing the right data (in terms of the data required to satisfy the requirement).
- It is a High level activity.
- Performed after a work product is produced against established criteria ensuring that the product integrates correctly into the environment.
- Determination of correctness of the final software product by a development project with respect to the user needs and requirements.

According to the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) we can also define validation as The process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements. [IEEE-STD-610].
A product can pass while verification, as it is done on the paper and no running or functional application is required. But, when same points which were verified on the paper is actually developed then the running application or product can fail while validation. This may happen because when a product or application is build as per the specification but these specifications are not up to the mark hence they fail to address the user requirements.
Advantages of Validation:
- During verification if some defects are missed then during validation process it can be caught as failures.
- If during verification some specification is misunderstood and development had happened then during validation process while executing that functionality the difference between the actual result and expected result can be understood.
- Validation is done during testing like feature testing, integration testing, system testing, load testing, compatibility testing, stress testing, etc.
- Validation helps in building the right product as per the customer’s requirement and helps in satisfying their needs.
Validation is basically done by the testers during the testing. While validating the product if some deviation is found in the actual result from the expected result then a bug is reported or an incident is raised. Not all incidents are bugs. But all bugs are incidents. Incidents can also be of type ‘Question’ where the functionality is not clear to the tester.
Hence, validation helps in unfolding the exact functionality of the features and helps the testers to understand the product in much better way. It helps in making the product more user friendly.
Also Read: What is Verification in Software Testing?
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- What is Verification in software testing? or What is software verification?
- What is an Incident in software testing?
- What is Defect or bugs or faults in software testing?
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Dan says
In a very simple term, Verification is all about to focus at whether product is being developed according to the customer’s requirement or not. Jaisi customer ki requirement thi aise hi *kaam ho raha h ya nahi*, this is called Verification.
Validation, This focuses on actual use of software/product or we can say testing the product according to the requirement specification.
*Functionality jaisi document m mention h software aise hi kaam kar raha h ya nahi. *
Basically Validation focuses on test execution part or we can say testing the software/application behaviour with respect to requirement. Or this is also called as dynamic testing
Dan says
Varification–> Application jaise client bola tha waise hi ban rahi h ya nahi
akoel says
Would you clarify one thing for me what I really do not understand?
If the “Validation is determining if the system complies with the requirements ” then why we run “…feature testing, integration testing,…” ?
These test cases are written according to the Specifications.
If the feature tests pass it proves that the product conforms to the Specification, not to the User expectation.
I do not know what I misunderstood.
Ganesh Prasad ESWARA says
When you develop a product, example a mobile phone, you have some requirements at design level which may be like mobile size, sharpness of edges, screen size, display brightness etc, so during Verification, you actually verify each and every requirement has been met or not, be it at Unit Level, Integration Level, System Level etc for Requirements at Unit, Integration, System respectively. ask your self are we building the product right, according to the requirements ?
Where as Validation is done in any phase like Unit, Integration, System to check that it’s actually a mobile phone, you would be developing a beautiful mobile phone which cannot be used for basic call feature, so Validation comes into picture which talks from the Product’s final usage point of view. ask yourself are we building the Right Product ? as per the customer expectation ?
In industry it’s very easy to crossover Verification and Validation, in many places verification is not needed, only validation at higher level is enough, in some places verification is required at very lower level, to have a documentary evidence that each of the said requirement has been implemented well enough.
So that’s a simple understanding of Verification & Validation.
One more example to quote is from Healthcare perspective, you are developing a Blood Pressure measuring machine, how you are developing each functionality is checked by verifying each and every requirement implementation, and whether this is actually checking Blood Pressure in the right fashion as required is done using Validation, may be by Clinical Experts, Doctors etc. and both are done during entire Development Cycle.
swapna says
thank you!
Bhushan says
Nicely explained. Thank you.
Eric Espiritu says
Can you send me the book by email or mail. Thanks
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